Halloween was so much fun this year. Mostly because we got to dress Taycee up in her lamb outfit ( she was not to thrilled about it though.)

This is Kristen and her two little boys. Ryan was Max from the Wild Things and Ryder was a Wild Thing....so cute!!

Taycee is completely sitting up by herself. I can't believe how fast the time has gone....pretty soon she will be getting into everything, very close to crawling.

And Finally I have started Taycee on baby foods and if you can't tell by the huge smile she actually likes it. Her first food was squash, kind of wierd that she would like it that much.
She had her 6 month check up on Friday and once again she is still huge for her age. She is still in the 98th percentile for height and 97th percentile for weight. What can I say....we have a very healthy, happy, smiley little girl and we love her to death!