Taycee turned 9 months yesterday! We took her to the doctor and her measurements were:
Length-30 Inches 97 Percentile
Weight-22.6 Lbs 95 Percentile
Yes, she is still a big girl :)
Here are her 9 month milestones:
-Started to crawl about a week ago (since then I swear she has bonked her head like 20 times)
-Pulls herself up onto things.
-Waves bye bye
-Gives huge wet kisses
-Points at everything
- Shakes her head No
-Sleeps with two binkies-She holds one in her hand and the other in her mouth and spits it out and replaces it with the other one. This is how she falls asleep at night
-She still has no teeth
She is such a joy in our lives and we love her so much. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. In 3 months she will be 1! CRAZY!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The little rugrat is 9 months!
Posted by The Holms at 12:12 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Christmas Vacation
And Finally some pictures...

Taycee did not like Santa Clause this year, in fact she hated him. Whether it was Santa at the mall, or my dad dressing up like Santa Clause, she wanted nothing to do with him or the big red hat.
Posted by The Holms at 9:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Yes...We are still alive!
I know I know...I have been seriously slacking since Halloween and updating our blog, very pathetic! But I do have a good excuse. I left my computer at my dad's work during Christmas break to have it fixed and it just got mailed out to me a couple days ago so I should recieve it shortly in the mail and then there will be some pictures to post...finally! :) We are enjoying the warm weather in Arizona and it was so nice to come back here after being in the freezing cold for Christmas. We had a great break and spent lots of time with family. Taycee of course is getting big, soon to be 9 months on Friday. Where has the time gone. She is so much fun and is such a people person. Everywhere we go she points at people and waves. It's so funny! Anyways our break was wonderful and when I get my computer back I will post some pictures.
Posted by The Holms at 9:45 PM 4 comments