Untitled from Natalie Holm on Vimeo.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Wild animal park zoo
We went to the Zoo with Scott's family while they were here. Lets just say it was a very eventful experience.

I had never been to a zoo where there were so many freakin' birds. They were flying everywhere around us. They weren't part of the zoo just a bunch of crazy birds flying around very close to our heads. Well we were talking about how gross it would be if one pooped on us and the next thing we knew Scott got pooped on. It was very hilarious until the same thing happened to me. Ya after that I definitely kept a look out for what was above me! This is me getting the poop out of Scott's hair and thinking it was hilarious!
It definitely must have been mating season at the Zoo because not only did we get to see the turtles mating but we also got to see the tigers. Yes it was very funny but we didn't get the camera out in time to snap a picture of the tigers!
I don't know if we will be visiting the Zoo anytime soon. I think we had enough fun for quite a long time.
Posted by The Holms at 9:27 PM 2 comments
Happy Birthday Taycee Bug/Happy 4 Year Anniversary
Since Scott always calls Taycee "bug" I thought it would be fun to throw her a ladybug party. Thank goodness for a great friend who lives here who can make cake and was able to make an adorable ladybug cake. Thanks Kristen it turned out so cute :) The party was so much fun and we had a lot of friends come. Also Scott's parents and Crae came for the weekend and were able to spend Taycee's birthday with us. It was a busy day getting ready for it but I think it turned out great. I can't believe our little girl is one. I know I say this all the time but time has really flown by with having her in our lives. I can't even begin to explain the joy she has brought into our home. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for trusting us with one of his children and giving us the opportunity to raise such a happy baby. We love her so much! Here are some pictures that we took of her big birthday party!
And also it was our 4 year anniversary! It kind of got put on the back burner while we were preparing for Taycee's big birthday party but I was definitely not forgotton by Scott. I got some beautiful flowers that day and he let me go pick out a couple of outfits at the buckle. I am so thankful to be married to him and love him so much. What a ride these past 4 years have been. 4 years ago we were getting married, a year ago we were having a baby, and this year we are celebrating a 1st birthday. I couldn't ask for a more special day!
Posted by The Holms at 8:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
1 Year Pics

Posted by The Holms at 8:50 PM 3 comments