Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years

We rang the New Year in with good friends from Idaho (Minus the Johnsons and the losers who spent Christmas in Florida.)  :) We missed you guys and wished you would have came to Idaho

The Girls- Mindi, Me, Shantay, and Brianna
 The Boys- Casey, Travis, Zach, and Scott

 I think they have been seperated for far to long....what do you think?

 Taycee and Kingston on her Power Wheels

2010 was a great year but I am so excited to see what 2011 has in store for us.  We feel extremely blessed even though we had a couple of difficult trials in 2010 and are so thankful for the blessings that we recieved through it all.
About 4 days after Christmas I got a call from my neurologist for my MRI's I had done before leaving AZ for break.  He was full of great news and it was an answer to all of our prayers.  He told me that the Medicine has been doing its job and he saw great results in my MRI.  A lot of my lesions are inactive right now which means that they aren't damaging the Mylin Sheath that surrounds the nerve, and the lesions have shrunk in size so they aren't as inflammed right now.  It doesn't mean that just because they are inactive they will stay like that, but for the time being thats how they are.  I was so thrilled to hear that news.  It was one of the best Christmas presents I recieved.  The doctor said he doesn't usually get to give this good of news after only being diagnosed for 6 months and he said "Whatever your doing keep on doing it because its working." So between the shots and all the many prayers I think we are on the right track to keeping me healthy.  Its just great to know that I am not giving myself a daily shot for nothing. So, I hope that this great news can continue into 2011 for quite a while! I hope everyone had a great holiday season!!


Nicole said...

Thank you thank you thank you, I have been dying for some pictures. Although the conference call helped! We need to do that now that Marissa is back and I wonder if we can add the Taylors too?!

Marissa said...

We wish you all came to Florida too! Think how much fun that would have been. Glad to hear the good news. That is awesome!

The Oswalds said...

Natalie that's awesome!! I haven't had an MRI since I was diagnosed! But after your great news it makes me want to see where I stand! I'm glad to hear you are doing so well!

Eddins Family said...

Hey, I decided to do a little blog surfing tonight. I'm glad you received great news! You need to tell Joce to get a blog going! Such a cute little family you have!

Brittney and Zach Lundgreen said...

OHHHH my such good news! you look super great! glad to hear the good news in 2011

Kortnee said...

So sad we missed this! Looks like you guys had so much fun!!!! I need to add you to my blog list!! I am missing out on your posts!!!!